Hollywood Might Welcome the Next Age of Multimedia

Hollywood is subject to invasion by the crypto space. With the rising popularity of metaverse and NFTs, practical approach are getting broader…

Hollywood Might Welcome the Next Age of Multimedia

The cryptocurrency is not slow in invading other platforms in the industry.

Hollywood is subject to invasion by the crypto space. With the rising popularity of metaverse and NFTs, practical approach are getting broader.

The community strongly suggests that the involvement of cryptocurrency in Hollywood is long overdue. Projects promoted by blockchain organizations are getting better, and now, influencing the film industry in funding various productions has come to light.

Screenshot Image of Hollywood Dao Website https://www.hollywoodao.xyz/

According to HollyWoodDao’s website, it’s building a platform to finance film, TV, and game productions by anyone through the use of smart contracts. The project visions to create more engaging participation from fans in communities that will span generations reminiscent of the idea of indefinite ownership of the original contents that people buy.


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