NFT Features are Coming to YouTube

The NFTs are now slowly ruling the world. Celebrities, companies, and even social platforms are starting to adapt to the future of the internet…

NFT Features are Coming to YouTube

The NFTs are now slowly ruling the world. Celebrities, companies, and even social platforms are starting to adapt to the future of the internet.

NFTs are non-fungible tokens that can be in the form of art, video, or audio—simply, NFTs can be anything. These tied NFTs to the blockchain only exists alone and are impossible to duplicate on the internet.

Just this month, Twitter rolled out an NFT feature as a profile photo for Twitter Blue subscribers. Twitter users who own NFT can make their digital assets a profile picture with a verified icon that states the authenticity of the user’s held NFT.

Meta Platforms, Inc. is also adding NFT features into its ecosystem. Allowing their users to create, showcase, sell and trade non-fungible tokens with other users.

The online video sharing platform, YouTube, launched in 2005, was now one of the most visited websites in the whole world. 

The video-sharing social media platform was reported to explore a whole new feature. Susan Wojcicki, the YouTube CEO, wrote the company’s priorities this year. The YouTube team is expanding its video-sharing platform with the emergence of newer capabilities on what the internet offers, like the NFTs.


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