Verified NFTs as Twitter Profile Photo is Here

Twitter’s action in going with the trend will make users excited for those into NFTs. Verified ownership of NFTs for the Twitter user profile photo is…

Verified NFTs as Twitter Profile Photo is Here

NFT owners will be excited to show off their exclusive digital artworks through social media.

Twitter’s action in going with the trend will make users excited for those into NFTs. Verified ownership of NFTs for the Twitter user profile photo is rolling out on its features and updates. 

The authentication of NFTs as profile pictures are exclusive to the Twitter Blue subscribers, with an icon indicated to inform other users the person is the official owner of the NFT.

Image by Twitter via

This smart move by Twitter will also increase Twitter Blue monthly subscribers. Though the NFT authenticity icon will be accessible by the Twitter Blue subscribers, everyone in the Twitter community can see the symbol.

If 2021 is the year of NFTs creation, 2022 will be their year to shine, and that’s to shine brighter and brighter.


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