Mekkah and Madinah, The First Saudi NFTs by Princess Reem Al Faisal

Princess Reem Al Faisal, King Faisal’s granddaughter, is a well-known photographer for globally exhibiting her captured photographs…

Mekkah and Madinah, The First Saudi NFTs by Princess Reem Al Faisal

Princess Reem Al Faisal, King Faisal’s granddaughter, is a well-known photographer for globally exhibiting her captured photographs.

On January 19, the princess posted her first-ever NFT titled “The Cube #1.”

Recently, the Princess launched her first-ever NFT collection that exhibits the photographs of Mekkah and Madinah.

Reem Al Faisal’s photographs show her dedication in expressing her message about the connection between a man and his creator.

Screenshot Image of Reem Al Faisal Website

Though her captures express through a black and white tone, she started adopting more vibrant shades into her other artworks.

NFT’s concept is starting to expand beyond digital artworks and collectibles, and photography is making a significant move to the cryptocurrency space.


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